Cesaro Mac Import Ecomondo 2024
CAMEC tecnologie riciclaggio rifiuti

Emergenza dissesto idrogeologico

  • 22 October 2013

"Nelle ultime settimane la Puglia, poi la Toscana e sempre distruzione e forti danni economici"


How can we reduce marine litter?

  • 21 October 2013

The seas and oceans are increasingly becoming the waste dump of the planet. 


Water pollution is decreasing but a lot remains to be done

  • 21 October 2013

Water pollution caused by nitrates has decreased in Europe over the past two decades, but agricultural pressures are still putting water resources under strain.


"Ambientalibri", a Ferrara tre giorni sulla letteratura ambientale

  • 18 October 2013

Dal oggi fino al 20 ottobre al Museo di Storia naturale e nella sala della Musica un ricco programma di incontri e presentazioni


World Food Day: European Commission underlines commitment to reducing food waste in Europe

  • 17 October 2013

World Food Day - an occasion to remind ourselves that around a third of food is wasted globally.


Folgaria: primo depuratore ad impatto energetico zero in Italia

  • 17 October 2013

Message from Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General on the World Food Day

  • 16 October 2013

On this World Food Day, let us aim for achieving zero hunger in our lifetimes for one and all.


New agreement between Eni and AcegasAps (Hera Group company) for the reorganisation of Gorizian energy companies

  • 16 October 2013

Est Reti Elettriche will be entirely controlled by AcegasAps, while Est Più will be whollyowned by Eni. Control of Isontina Reti Gas will be shared 50/50.


Legge di stabilità, la Tares si trasforma in Trise

  • 16 October 2013

Legge di stabilità, la Tares si trasforma in Trise


Raccolta differenziata: nel modenese al 58,1% a inizio 2013

  • 15 October 2013

In crescita nei primi sei mesi dell'anno. Tutti i dati provinciali. A Novi, Importo e San Cesario hanno superato il 70%


Climate and energy targets – EU largely on track but mixed picture across Member States

  • 14 October 2013

European Union Member States are showing mixed progress towards three climate and energy targets for 2020, even though the EU as a whole could reduce greenhouse gases emissions by 21% in 2020 with the set of national measures already adopted. 


Questions and answers on EU Mercury Policy

  • 14 October 2013

Why is mercury a problem? Where and to what extent is mercury still produced and used in the EU?


Combating the Hazards of Waste: New Strategies to Fight Health, Environmental Risks

  • 10 October 2013

Innovative guidelines support countries in prioritizing waste management services


Tutto pronto per Ravenna2013

  • 23 September 2013

Il primo evento italiano “green” realizzato “dal basso” si tiene dal 25 al 27 settembre.


Solar Powers Future for LA-Area Family

  • 17 September 2013

SunEdison, GRID Alternatives, Homeboy Industries empower lives through job training and solar power


Rimini Fiera, il lay out del grande polo della Green Economy

  • 17 September 2013

Dal 6 al 9 novembre mille imprese disposte su sedici padiglioni occupati in contemporanea da ECOMONDO, KEY ENERGY, KEY WIND, SALVE, H2R e COOPERAMBIENTE


Liguria: fondi per energie rinnovabili nei parchi

  • 10 September 2013

Raee: la Liguria supera la media italiana

  • 6 September 2013

Raccolti 5,56 kg di rifiuti da apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche per abitante
