Cesaro Mac Import Ecomondo 2024
CAMEC tecnologie riciclaggio rifiuti

Green economy

Articles Buyers Guide

Geofluid: prossima edizione nel 2026

  • 5 March 2024

Si svolgerà dal 7 al 10 ottobre 2026 presso il quartiere fieristico di Piacenza la prossima edizione di Geofluid, la mostra internazionale delle tecnologie ed attrezzature per la ricerca, estrazione e trasporto dei fluidi sotterranei, punto di riferimento europeo per il drilling & foundations.


STADLER and Krones close the plastics circular economy loop at the Las Vegas Polymer Center – the first of its kind in North America

  • 6 February 2024

STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH, in collaboration with Krones, has designed and installed the new Republic Services Polymer Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, which processes plastic bottles, jugs and containers to produce plastic materials ready for use in new packaging. The first of its kind in North America, this facility closes the circular economy to meet the rising demand for high-quality and food-grade recycled plastic.


Nasce CAP Evolution

  • 5 February 2024

Frutto dell’esperienza di Gruppo CAP, la nuova realtà opera nei settori del trattamento dei reflui fognari, della valorizzazione dei rifiuti e della produzione di energia green. Per il 2024 si prevedono ricavi per 77 milioni di euro.


SWEEEP Kuusakoski and Recycleye announce a first in AI-powered WEEE and metals sorting

  • 24 January 2024

SWEEEP Kuusakoski and Recycleye announced the first successful commercial application of AI computer vision in the detection and sorting of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the UK.


BASF and Stena Recycling partner in recycling of electric vehicle batteries in Europe

  • 23 January 2024

Stena Recycling and BASF enter partnership to leverage their complementary footprints and capabilities to enhance both parties’ individual offerings to their respective European OEM customers. Stena Recycling will collect, assess, and pre-treat end-of-life batteries and battery production scrap to produce black mass in its battery recycling facility in Halmstad, Sweden. BASF will further process and refine black mass in its battery recycling prototype metal refinery in Schwarzheide, Germany.


SPS Italia 2024: inizia il percorso alla fiera

  • 18 January 2024

Dall’innovazione la spinta al cambiamento sostenibile. Intelligenza artificiale, green manufacturing e nuove competenze le tematiche in primo piano di SPS Italia 2024 che sarà alle fiere di Parma dal 28 al 30 maggio 2024.


Municipalities: core target group for the environmental industry

  • 15 January 2024

Municipalities are among the most important users of the products and processes presented at the IFAT Munich 2024 environmental technology trade fair. New challenges, opportunities and solutions also create a great need for information and discussion for cities and municipalities.

CAP EVOLUTION impianti trattamento rifiuti

Accelerare la digitalizzazione della gestione dei rifiuti in Italia con l'IA

  • 21 December 2023

Greyparrot e Rixera uniscono le forze per espandere l'uso dell'Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) nel settore italiano della gestione dei rifiuti. 


Foggy future for biofuels in the EU

  • 14 December 2023

The road ahead for biofuels is unclear and fraught with pitfalls, warns a report published by the European Court of Auditors. The lack of a long-term perspective has affected investment security, while sustainability issues, the race for biomass, and high costs constrain the deployment of biofuels.


I trituratori mobili di Omer Ecology

  • 13 December 2023

Visto il successo riscontrato dai trituratori mobili modello Dracula, Omer Ecology, costruttore italiano di trituratori per il riciclo dei rifiuti e impianti di trattamento rifiuti, accresce la gamma dei suoi modelli inserendo nuove configurazioni.


Riciclare l’alluminio in maniera vantaggiosa

  • 12 December 2023

Il riciclo dell'alluminio: recuperare risorse con gli impianti FORREC.


20% increase in biomethane production in Europe, shows biogases industry report

  • 11 December 2023

Biomethane production in Europe grew by almost 20% in 2022 compared to the previous year, according to data from the new edition of the EBA Statistical Report. Meanwhile, the EU dependency on natural gas imports went from 83% in 2021 to 97% in 2022.


IFAT Munich 2024: Mastering the current challenges of the circular economy

  • 1 December 2023

Recycling all types of secondary raw materials is an immensely important and interesting, but often also very challenging task, as the partner associations of the world’s leading environmental technology trade fair IFAT Munich illustrate with examples.


Corre l'industria dei rifiuti. Oltre 27 miliardi di euro di ricadute per l'Italia

  • 30 November 2023

WAS Report 2023: in Italia il comparto, articolato tra urbani e speciali, mostra un valore della produzione 2022 in crescita del 10,5%. Marangoni: il settore al centro del sistema economico italiano, anche sulla spinta di innovazione e simbiosi industriali.


Collaboration across the value chain is key to achieving a circular economy

  • 28 November 2023

STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH, the globally active German company specialising in the planning, production and assembly of turnkey recycling and sorting plants, sees a functioning circular economy as a roadmap to address the global issue of waste and depletion of natural resources. To reach this goal, effective collaboration between the different elements in the value chain is essential. 


Carbon fibre recovery takes off

  • 27 November 2023

The Hera Group, through its subsidiary Herambiente, and Leonardo, through its Aerostructures Division, will work together to research the recovery of carbon fibres in polymer matrix composite materials used in aircraft parts. 


Riciclaggio dell’alluminio: il 100% della produzione italiana di alluminio proviene dal riciclo

  • 23 November 2023

L’alluminio è un metallo prezioso, riciclabile all’infinito e quindi circolare. Il Cial conferma che oltre il 75% dell’alluminio da sempre prodotto è tutt’ora in circolo.


Le 10 proposte di Assoambiente per un’economia realmente circolare

  • 21 November 2023

Presentato il report annuale Assoambiente ‘L’Italia che Ricicla 2023’.
